
Release Details

Release Date 4th October 2018
Release Type Stable - Major

Important Notes

Please read Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.3 for important changes in this release.

Notable Changes

Resource Changes

Important Template Changes

The frontend new ticket form step 1 and step 2 templates (ticket/forms/newticket_step1.twig and ticket/forms/newticket_step2.twig) have been switched around and updated, please ensure to update your custom templates accordingly.

The error views have moved location to be within the frontend and operator templates. You will need to add these views if you have a custom frontend and/or operator template.


Type Issue Description
Feature DEV-782 Added a webhook action to follow ups, macros and SLA plans.
Feature DEV-1663 Added additional macro hook points.
Feature DEV-1672 Added option to inject HTML code directly in to the template with a plugin.
Feature DEV-1795 Added option to only allow automatic execution of macros during certain schedules.
Feature DEV-1805 Added a forward ticket action to follow ups, macros and SLA plans.
Feature DEV-1846 Added option to watch (subscribe to) a ticket to receive notifications.
Feature DEV-1933 Added option to allow automatic macros to run more than once.
Improvement DEV-1492 Added a merge field option for canned responses.
Improvement DEV-1593 Upgraded underlying framework to Laravel 5.5.
Improvement DEV-1740 Added option to run a macro on multiple tickets at once on the ticket grid.
Improvement DEV-1822 Improved submit ticket flow on the frontend.
Improvement DEV-1849 Operators can now be logged in on multiple devices at the same time by default.
Improvement DEV-1860 Now possible to define a SAML provider (guard) per brand.
Improvement DEV-1888 Improved performance by storing purified text in the database directly where possible.
Improvement DEV-1898 Using URLs for user and operator avatars instead of data URI images.
Improvement DEV-1901 Operators can now CC users to the ticket when replying by email.
Improvement DEV-1903 Added search for internal self-service types.
Improvement DEV-1906 Added software EULA to upgrader.
Improvement DEV-1907 No longer sending 'Opened New Ticket' email to ticket CC users.
Improvement DEV-1912 Department email usernames can now be up to 255 characters.
Improvement DEV-1915 Enabled session file locking to reduce risk of session conflicts.
Improvement DEV-1918 Now shows a warning when enabling SSL to verify it works.
Improvement DEV-1921 Now possible to use 2FA with LDAP accounts.
Improvement DEV-1923 Raw emails are now stored on the file system for a default length of 30 days.
Improvement DEV-1924 Only operators assigned to your brands/departments are now listed in the assign operator dropdown.
Improvement DEV-1929 Added option to disable macros.
Improvement DEV-1936 Failed operator login emails now only sent to operators with permission to manage operators.
Improvement DEV-1938 No longer throttling when retrying a blocked email in the operator panel.
Improvement DEV-1942 WHMCS Information plugin - now showing main user details for sub account users.
Improvement DEV-1947 Now showing a success message when creating a ticket in a department you can't see.
Improvement DEV-1957 Updating a ticket's priority will calculate the due time if it has an SLA plan set.
Bug DEV-490 Emails with large attachments less likely to exceed the memory limit.
Bug DEV-1897 Fixed email commands not working in some situations.
Bug DEV-1905 Fixed HipChat/Slack notifications showing previous message when new message has an attachment.
Bug DEV-1908 Fixed wrong department email selected some times when clicking forward tab.
Bug DEV-1913 Removed hardcoded ID in fresh install seed.
Bug DEV-1914 Fixed RSS feed using created_at time instead of published_at time.
Bug DEV-1917 Fixed custom operator icon not displaying on retina display.
Bug DEV-1920 Fixed filtering canned responses by tags not working correctly on responses with more than one tag.
Bug DEV-1926 Fixed email template previews not working when self-service module is disabled.
Bug DEV-1927 Fixed editing email template automatically removes avatars.
Bug DEV-1930 Fixed parenthesis in the email from name being stripped out by Swift Mailer.
Bug DEV-1940 Fixed being unable to delete attachment from new draft message.
Bug DEV-1944 Time tracking plugin - Fixed total time logged report showing wrong totals in some situations.
Bug DEV-1945 Fixed reports dashboard not adapting to the operator's timezone.
Bug DEV-1950 Fixed Twitter direct messages support after old API route was deprecated.
Bug DEV-1953 Fixed internal tickets with an SLA plan not having a due time initially.
Bug DEV-1956 Fixed 'Hours until due' condition returning wrong results.
Bug DEV-1958 Fixed error shown in some places when using a ticket tag that has a translation with same name.
Bug DEV-1959 Fixed SLA plan escalation rules not getting cleared when using the 'Close & Lock' button.