
The application configuration can be further fine-tuned outside the operator panel. These items exist as environment variables as their default values are OK for most users, but allow advanced users to better control the application.


For details on how to set the below configuration items, please read Environment Variables.

Email Processing

Environment Variable Name Description Valid values Default
EMAIL_TOGGLE_QUOTES Whether to hide quoted parts of inbound emails, they will be wrapped in [ ... ] and show/hide when clicked in the operator ticket view.
EMAIL_MACRO_START_CHAR Character sequence used to identify the start of an Email Command.
EMAIL_MACRO_END_CHAR Character sequence used to identify the end of an Email Command.


Environment Variable Name Description Valid values
LOG_STACK_CHANNELS A comma delimited list of log channels. Do not separate comma delimited items with whitespace.
generallog, slack, stderr, syslog
LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL A slack webhook URL, see Slack documentation.
LOG_MAX_FILES The number of log files to retain.
LOG_LEVEL Log all levels greater than or equal to the specified severity level. For example, a log_level of error will log error, critical, alert, and emergency messages.
debug, info, notice, warning,
error, critical, alert, emergency

Outbound Mail

SMTP Settings

Environment Variable Name Description Valid Value(s)

Used in the EHLO/HELO statement sent to the mail server. It defaults to the server name, or [] when the server name is not available (such as on the CLI).

null, domain or IP

The number of seconds that the system should wait for a response from the mail server before timing out.


Reply Line

All outbound ticket emails have a reply-above-line prepended to the start of the email, this enables the email parser to clip replies.

Environment Variable Name Description Valid Value(s)

Character sequence wrapped around "Please respond above this line" message added to the start of all ticket emails. Used to identify the end of replies via email by searching for a HTML node that starts and ends with the specified character sequence.

Take extreme care when editing as replies via the email channel may not be clipped or may be clipped incorrectly.

alphanumeric, dashes, hashes, exclamation marks

The "Please reply above this line" message added to the start of ticket emails generated by SupportPal.

The %s inside a HTML node is REQUIRED for clipping replies via email. It is automatically replaced by mail.delimiter Please reply above this line mail.delimiter. The language variable can be found in addons/Languages/*/Lang/*/ticket.php under key "reply_above_line".

Set to an empty string to completely remove the reply line; this means replies via the email channel will not be clipped.

<em style="color: #999;">%s</em><br /><br />

System Cleanup

Environment Variable Name Description Valid values Default
EMPTY_TICKET_TRASH The number of days after which tickets in the trash are deleted permanently automatically, counts from when the ticket was moved to the trash.
RAW_EMAIL_EXPIRY_DAYS The number of days that raw email log files are stored on the file system. Emails from pre-2.4.0 are stored in the database and must be pruned via the System Cleanup tool.

User Interface

Environment Variable Name Description Valid values Default
2FA_NAME The default account name that shows when setting up 2FA.
LDAP_DUAL_LOGIN If operators can log in with their regular operator login as well as their LDAP account.
TOTAL_SELFSERVICE_ARTICLES The number of articles to show per category in the self-service by default, for 'hierarchical' types only.
TOTAL_VISIBLE_RECIPIENTS The total number of recipients that should be visible when viewing the e-mail log. If there are more addresses, "and x others" will be shown.
ENABLE_TIMEAGO Can be used to disable the relative times (e.g. '1 hour ago') throughout the system.

Ticket Messages

Environment Variable Name Description Valid values Default
MESSAGE_LOAD_NO The number of messages to pre load when viewing a ticket irrespective of max_message_size.

Set to null to pre load all messages. Note: this may introduce performance issues when loading large tickets with large messages.

Messages which are not preloaded will show an excerpt and the full text will be loaded dynamically when viewed by an end user.
MESSAGE_LOAD_LIMIT This setting relates to message_load_no and is best described through an example. If a ticket contains 40 messages and message_load_no is 2, there are 38 remaining messages. When message_load_limit is 20, 20 of those 38 messages, which are less than max_message_size, will be pre loaded.

Set to null to pre load all messages which are less than max_message_size. Note: this may introduce performance issues when loading large tickets with large messages.

Messages which are not pre loaded will show an excerpt and the full text will be loaded dynamically when viewed by an end user.
MESSAGE_LOAD_ORDER If we wish to automatically load the latest (default) or earliest message_load_limit messages when loading the ticket.
asc, desc
MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE Messages that are greater than this size in bytes will be truncated.
The original message can be viewed by clicking the "View entire message" link at the bottom of the message.

It is not possible to disable this setting. Set it to a high value instead.

Note: browsers will typically crash if large volumes of text are pre loaded.
integer (bytes)


Environment Variable Name Description Valid values Default
DATATABLES_SKIP_COUNT The default pagination performs a total record count, which can be slow on large installations. Enabling this option will switch to a simpler form of pagination, using only "Next" and "Previous" buttons. This change can improve page load performance by up to 50%.
FORCE_DISABLE_SSL Disable SSL redirection middleware.
Use only when Enable SSL is toggled on in SupportPal and HTTPS connections are broken.
LDAP_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait before timing out the connection to the LDAP server.