System Health

System health is designed to give you a clear insight into the overall health of your SupportPal installation and its hosting environment.


Health Checks

A traffic light system is used to quickly differentiate between healthy and checks which need attention.

Some of the system health checks available are described below:

Name Description
Free Disk Space The disk space check ensures that there is always 30% free disk space on the partition where your helpdesk belongs.
Application Log Error Count Reads today's application log (storage/logs/supportpal-x-y-z.log) and generates a warning if any errors have been logged, enabling you to investigate.
Redirection Rules Ensures that web server redirect rules are set up correctly, otherwise unauthorised actors may be able to access sensitive files within the help desk.
Web Server Makes a request to each of the configured brand system URLs to determine whether the URLs are accessible.
Email Piping Determines whether there are any problems with the pipe file that may prevent inbound emails from being read correctly.
Outbound Email Queue Checks whether any emails are currently marked as "Blocked" in the email queue, and require manual action to be resent.
Debug Mode Debug mode should only be enabled temporarily as it can leak sensitive system information. This check warns when debug mode is enabled and serves as a reminder to turn it off.
Database Connection Ensures that the help desk can connect to the database.
Cron Monitors the scheduled tasks to determine whether they're running on time. If a task takes longer than expected to complete, or is not running at all, an error is generated.


The health checks run automatically and the results are cached. Use the Refresh button to view up-to-date health data; the Last Run column shows when the health check data was last updated.