Release Details
Release Date |
9th June 2020 |
Release Type |
Stable - Minor |
Resource Changes
There were no language file changes in this release.
Type |
Issue |
Description |
Improvement |
DEV-1620 |
Added support for Facebook attachments. |
Improvement |
DEV-2337 |
Added an indicator for when a draft exists. |
Improvement |
DEV-2342 |
Increased the size of the operator panel search. |
Improvement |
DEV-2423 |
Redactor toolbar now sticks to the top of the page in the operator panel. |
Improvement |
DEV-2426 |
Inserting self-service articles now uses the article title as link text. |
Improvement |
DEV-2445 |
Now able to resize images in text editor (redactor). |
Improvement |
DEV-2453 |
Added a SAML logged in event. |
Bug |
DEV-2188 |
Fixed deprecated HTML attributes being removed after purifying. |
Bug |
DEV-2413 |
Added 'weight' order option for API article search. |
Bug |
DEV-2418 |
Switched to file session driver by default. |
Bug |
DEV-2430 |
Fixed being unable to clear WHMCS Information API password value for brand. |
Bug |
DEV-2431 |
Fixed being unable to scroll the sidebar when mouse doesn't have scroll wheel. |
Bug |
DEV-2432 |
Fixed spinner.gif not found error. |
Bug |
DEV-2434 |
Fixed scrolling to validation error not working for certain elements. |
Bug |
DEV-2435 |
Fixed multiple alerts being displayed on file upload error. |
Bug |
DEV-2436 |
Fixed <pre> background colour not visible in dark mode. |
Bug |
DEV-2437 |
Fixed being unable to send emails with attachments when using a private S3 bucket. |
Bug |
DEV-2438 |
Fixed JS validation not working under tab content. |
Bug |
DEV-2439 |
Fixed Facebook 'manage_pages' and 'publish_pages' permissions now deprecated. |
Bug |
DEV-2440 |
Fixed 'show details' not showing when the incoming email log entry type is not 1. |
Bug |
DEV-2441 |
No longer cache invalid product license information. |
Bug |
DEV-2442 |
Fixed license client cache time lengths. |
Bug |
DEV-2443 |
Fixed error when updating operator after deleting a core widget. |
Bug |
DEV-2444 |
Fixed latest version cache not being cleared on calling home. |
Bug |
DEV-2446 |
Fixed UX issue meaning new user not created when creating linked ticket. |
Bug |
DEV-2447 |
Fixed 'Test' web hook button not passing textarea contents. |
Bug |
DEV-2448 |
Fixed canned response merge fields broken on open new ticket. |
Bug |
DEV-2450 |
Removed header.twig and sidebar.twig unused files from frontend template. |
Bug |
DEV-2451 |
Fixed WooCommerce authentication validation. |
Bug |
DEV-2452 |
Fixed SimplePie not decode HTML entities in announcements feed. |
Bug |
DEV-2454 |
Fixed generic message masking input validation errors on reports API. |
Bug |
DEV-2455 |
Fixed translation columns length that mismatch with parent. |
Bug |
DEV-2456 |
Fixed department routing broken when using plus addressing in department email address. |
Bug |
DEV-2462 |
Fixed UX glitch on adding user to new organisation. |