Managing Tickets
Tickets can be managed individually or in bulk on the ticket grid. Visiting Tickets -> Manage Tickets will show all currently non-resolved tickets by default, but there are further filtering options available in the sidebar and on the grid itself.
Searching for Tickets
Table Sorting
There are several options available for the default ordering when loading the ticket grid, these are available in the first dropdown in the top right corner Order By:
- Brand: Order by the name of the ticket brand.
- Department: Order by the name of the ticket department.
- Due time: The tickets with the soonest due time will show first, tickets with no due time show last.
- Last reply: The tickets with the earliest last reply time will show first.
- Opened at: The earliest opened tickets will show first.
- Organisation: Order by the name of the ticket user's organisation.
- Priority: Order by the name of the ticket priority.
- Status: Order by the name of the ticket status.
- Subject: Order by the name of the ticket subject.
- User: Order by the formatted name of the ticket user.
You are then able to set a default sorting direction in the second dropdown:
- Ascending
- Descending
View a Filter
You can set up filters with specific rules on what tickets to show (See Filters), these are available in the sidebar under Filters with a count for the number of non-resolved tickets that fall under each filter.
Viewing Tickets by Status, Department, Brand, Priority or Tag
There are also options in the sidebar to view tickets that fall under a certain category. The status and department sections also have counts which signify how many non-resolved tickets there are.
Filtering the Table
It's possible to filter down the tickets currently on the grid on a number of conditions:
- Click "Filter".
- Click "Add Condition" and select the condition you would like to filter by in the first dropdown, choose the operator in the second dropdown and type the value in the third.
Note that conditions are combined, for example it is not possible to search by user email "[email protected]" OR "[email protected]", you can use a filter (See Filters) to set-up more complicated conditions. - Click "Update" and the table will be filtered appropriately.
Ticket Grid Icons
The ticket subject column on the ticket grid can contain a number of icons to make it easier to see at a glance what's going on:
Operators Viewing - The corner icon signifies tickets that are currently being viewed by other operators, hovering over it will provide a list of these operators.
Status - The circle with the letter within it denotes the current status of the ticket. The letter is the first letter of the status, and the full status name can be seen by hovering over it.
Priority - The square with the number within it denotes the priority of the ticket. The number is generated from the ordering of the priorities, and depending how they have been ordered, a lower or higher number should be meaningful. The priority name can be seen by hovering over it.
Assigned Operators - The avatar icon(s) are the operators assigned to this ticket. If more than one operator are assigned, their avatars will be overlapping, and hovering over it will provide a list of these operators.
Attachments - The paperclip icon indicates that the ticket has at least one attachment.
Draft - The draft icon indicates whether any operators have started to write a forward, note or reply.
Ticket Locked - Users are unable to reply while the ticket is locked.
Watching Ticket - Watching a ticket means you will receive notifications for it regardless of your notification settings or if other operators are assigned to the ticket.
Ticket Messages - A grey bubble indicates how many messages the ticket contains.
Ticket Notes - A yellow bubble indicates how many notes the ticket contains. If the ticket does not contain any notes the icon will not be visible.
Ticket tags, if there are any, will show below the last message preview, as well as a green 'Merged' badge if the ticket has been merged with others, and a red 'Internal' badge if the ticket is internal (operators only).
Updating Tickets
The grid can be used to manage a single or many tickets together at the same time easily:
- Tick the checkbox for the tickets you wish to update.
The buttons and dropdown options in the ticket footer will now become available, select what you wish to do.
Change Department - Move all selected tickets to the selected department.
Change Status - Change the status of all selected tickets.
Change Priority - Change the priority of all selected tickets.
Assign/Unassign Operator - Assign or unassign a single operator to all selected tickets.
Add/Remove Tag - Add or remove a tag to all selected tickets.
Run Macro - Checks the conditions and then runs the manual macro if matching on all selected tickets, performing all of its actions.
Reply - Add a reply to all selected tickets at once.
Take - Assign yourself to the ticket(s).
Close - Sets the status to your default resolved status.
Close (without notification) - Sets the status to your default resolved status, but doesn't send the 'Closed By Operator' email notification.
Close & Lock - Sets the status to your default resolved status and prevents the user from replying again.
Unlock - Unlock ticket(s) so the user can reply again.
Move to Trash - Move the ticket to the trash, where it will be automatically deleted after 30 days by default.
Watch/Unwatch - Watching a ticket means you will receive notifications (when set to be sent) for it regardless of your personal notification settings or if other operators are assigned to the ticket. The operator reply/note email notifications are dependent on the 'Send Email to Operator(s)' checkbox being checked when replying. Disabling any of the email templates in the department settings will prevent those email notifications being sent to watching operators too.
Link - Link two or more tickets together, all linked tickets will be visible when you view any of the tickets.
Merge - Merge two or more tickets together, with the option to select which ticket they all should be merged into.
Unmerge - Reverses the merging action and brings back the original tickets.
Block User - Adds a spam rule for the user's email address so they cannot open further tickets and also moves the ticket to the trash.
- If a popup shows, confirm your choice.
- Wait for the action to complete, you should see a success message if it has completed successfully. The grid will update itself shortly after.