Email Channel
The email channel is used to handle all incoming emails in to new tickets and replies.
Setting Name | Description |
Default Priority | The priority that is set on all new tickets opened by email. This is set to 'Low' by default on a new installation. |
Prioritise Reply-To | If you accept emails from automated systems that use a 'Reply-To' email header, you can use that email header to decide the user on a new ticket instead of the 'From' email header that is normally used. Also used to store CC email addresses on ticket replies. |
Enable Sub-addresses |
When this feature is enabled, an encoded ticket number will be included in the 'Reply-To' address
header of outbound emails related to tickets. For example, it might appear as
[email protected] . That allows the help desk to efficiently identify the ticket
to which an email reply pertains.
Email Server Support
Use of this feature depends on your email server's support for sub-addressing, sometimes referred to as plus addressing. If your email server does not support sub-addresses, emails sent by the helpdesk could be returned as undeliverable. |
Reject Duplicate Emails | Stop emails being imported more than once, detected based on the Message-ID header. |
Rate Limiting
Setting Name | Description |
Max Requests | Set the maximum number of requests before a user is throttled. |
Decay Time | The number of minutes until the available attempts are reset. |
Exclude Addresses | A list of email addresses which are excluded from rate limits. |