Add-ons Marketplace
Install free and paid add-ons (such as channels, languages and plugins) through our marketplace.
The marketplace is accessible by visiting Add-ons in the operator panel. You must have the "View and Manage Add-ons" permission to access this page.
To install, upgrade or cancel add-ons, you must be authenticated to our billing system. Click the "Login" button to begin authentication, which will redirect you to our client area.
Make sure to log in with the account that contains your SupportPal license, and continue through the steps, until you are back at the help desk, and it shows you as logged in. The authentication will persist in the system once you have logged in once.
If you log in with the wrong account, you'll see the following message. You must hit the "Logout" link before trying again, making sure to log in to the account that has the SupportPal license.
Installing an Add-on
To install an add-on, click on an add-on within the marketplace. If it's a free add-on, you will see an "Install" button. Click this and the system will install and activate the add-on.
Once an add-on is installed, you will see the "Manage" button, clicking this will take you to the relevant grid where you can go to the add-on settings or deactivate/uninstall the add-on.
If the add-on is paid, you will see a "Purchase" button. Clicking this will immediately attempt to charge your account for the amount shown.
If the payment is successful, the add-on will be installed and activated like above. If not, it will show you a message about a due invoice, this should be paid manually, and after this you'll be able to install the add-on to your system.
Updating an Add-on
When an update is available for an add-on through the marketplace, it will show you in the marketplace grid.
Click the add-on and an "Update" button will be visible, also showing you the new available version of the add-on.
Click on "Update" to start the process, there will be a success message at the bottom once the add-on has been successfully updated.
Cancelling an Add-on
If you've purchased a paid add-on with recurring billing, you'll have the option to cancel the add-on at any time. Click on the add-on in the marketplace and a "Cancel" button will be available. Clicking this will stop any further billing and also deactivate the add-on immediately, it would require purchasing again to re-activate the add-on.