Feedback Forms

Feedback forms are a way of collecting insightful and useful feedback from users. Different forms can be configured for different groups of tickets based on a flexible conditions system.


Setting Feedback Form Priority

Feedback forms are processed in order of priority (from first to last), this can be changed by dragging and dropping rows on the grid to the order you prefer.

Feedback Form Field Types

There are 11 available types for fields in the feedback form:

  1. Boolean - Yes and no radio options.
  2. Checkbox - A single checkbox.
  3. Checklist - A list of options with a checkbox for each.
  4. Date - A date picker.
  5. Multiple options - A multiple select box, allowing the choice of multiple items at once.
  6. Options - A dropdown box.
  7. Password - A password field, useful for sensitive information.
  8. Radio - A list of radio options, only one can be selected.
  9. Rating (1 to 5) - A list of options, where the user can rate each one between 1 and 5.
  10. Text - A normal text input field.
  11. Textarea - A larger field allowing more text to be written.

Searching for Feedback Forms

Filtering the table

It's possible to filter feedback forms based on their name and description:

  1. Visit Settings -> Tickets -> Feedback Forms and click "Filter Results".
  2. Search terms:
    1. Name - It is possible to search for partial names. For example, you could find "Support Tickets" by searching for "supp" or "icke".
    2. Description - The feedback form description.
  3. The table will be filtered automatically as you enter search terms.

Creating or Updating a Feedback Form

A default feedback form is included with all new installations, which targets all tickets.

To create a new feedback form, or update an existing feedback form, please follow the following steps.

  1. Visit Settings -> Tickets -> Feedback Forms. If you're creating a new feedback form click "Add Ticket feedback form", or if you're updating an existing feedback form, find the field and click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the table row.
  2. Complete the input fields:
    1. Name - The name of the feedback form.
    2. Description - A description of the feedback form.
    3. Email Template - The email template that will be sent to users for tickets that fall under this feedback form. A default template has been included, but you may also use custom email templates.
    4. Time After Resolved - The time after when the ticket has been marked as resolved that the email asking for feedback should be sent.
    5. Expire After - The time after the email has been sent that the feedback form should expire if no feedback is received. You can set no expiry time by entering 0 in all the fields.
    6. Form Conditions - Used to limit the scope of the search criteria.
      1. Condition Groups - Condition groups are sets of search criteria. They can be combined using the adjacent drop-down menu using "All groups can be true" or "Any group can be true". A simple example of this roughly translated to English might be: "The ticket must in the Support department and have Critical priority" (group 1) OR "The ticket must be the Sales department and have Critical priority" (group 2). This would match tickets that are either in the Sales or Support department and have Critical priority.
      2. Conditions - Conditions belong to condition groups and define the search criteria. You can select the condition item (for example "Ticket Department"), followed by the condition operator (for example "Equals"), followed by the condition value (for example "Support").
      For example, you may wish to create a feedback form which targets all tickets in the Support department that took longer than 7 days (168 hours) to resolve:
      1. Click "Add Condition Group".
      2. Select "Hours since Created" from the first drop-down menu, and input "168" in the final input box.
      3. Click "Add Condition".
      4. Select "Ticket Department", followed by "Is", followed by "Support".
      5. Select "All conditions in group must be true", roughly translated to English: "The ticket must have been created more than 7 days ago and have its department set to Support".
    7. Form Fields - Define questions for a survey that is asked after the user initially selects if they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the support received.
      For example, you may wish to ask the user to rate you on a number of options:
      1. Click "Add Field".
      2. Select "Rating (1 to 5)" from the drop-down menu that appears.
      3. Type in the main question, such as "Please rate us on the following from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)."
      4. Click "Add Option" and type in an item, such as "Response time".
      5. Repeat for all remaining options.
  3. Click the "Submit" button.

Deleting a Feedback Form

Deleting a feedback form is an irreversible action. When deleting a feedback form, any feedback received under the form will also be deleted.

To delete a feedback form, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit Settings -> Tickets -> Feedback Forms.
  2. Search for the form you wish to delete (see Searching for Feedback Forms).
  3. Click the delete (cross) icon located on the right of the table.
  4. Check all checkboxes shown, ensuring you understand that all this related data will be removed along with the form.
  5. Click on the button, "Yes, Delete Feedback Form", that pops up confirming you would like to delete this form and it will now be deleted.