
Release Details

Release Date 26th August 2021
Release Type Stable - Minor

Notable Changes

Gzip Compression

We have enabled gzip compression in our default Apache (.htaccess) and nginx web server configs. If you're using Docker, no further action is required.

Simplified Updates

Following this release, it will be easier than ever to update your help desk to a new version. A single button click in the operator panel, or a simple one line command via CLI. Learn about the new methods at Upgrading SupportPal.

Backup and Restore Commands

A simple command line interface is now available to safely backup and restore your entire help desk. For more information, see Backup and Restore.

Web Socket Server

For Linux and Docker environments, we recommend to enable our new web socket server for improved system performance. The server will work automatically for new SupportPal customers. Existing customers will need to manually configure it after upgrading.

Existing Docker Users
  1. Browse to your helpdesk-install repository and pull the latest changes from our Git repository
    git pull
  2. Browse to the templates/docker-compose/ directory
    cd templates/docker-compose
  3. Copy the new gateway files
    cp -R ../../configs/gateway/* gateway/
  4. Copy the changes to the .dist files to your .yml files
                cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
                cp docker-compose.prod.yml.dist docker-compose.prod.yml
                cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml
  5. Restart the containers
    make restart
Existing Linux Users

To switch from the built-in notifications driver to a self-hosted pusher server, find out more.

Resource Changes


Type Issue Description
Feature helpdesk#2697 Add option to manually run a single scheduled task from CLI. See Scheduled Tasks.
Feature helpdesk#2690 MariaDB 10.6 support.
Feature helpdesk#2662 Ability to temporarily disable 'Enable SSL'.
Feature helpdesk#2638 Add db:restore command. See Backup and Restore.
Feature helpdesk#2637 Add filesystem:restore command. See Backup and Restore.
Feature helpdesk#2633 Add filesystem:backup command. See Backup and Restore.
Feature helpdesk#2578 Add support for web sockets. See Web sockets.
Feature helpdesk#2395 Add filesystem:migrate command.
Feature helpdesk#2321 Add automatic installation of software updates.
Improvement helpdesk#2693 Add support for previewing audio/x-wav file attachments.
Improvement helpdesk#2689 Make file cache driver operations atomic.
Improvement helpdesk#2688 Update Docker PHP version to v7.4.22.
Improvement helpdesk#2686 Remove password check from 2FA setup, shown immediately after login.
Improvement helpdesk#2678 Add numeric priority to Docker PHP config file names.
Improvement helpdesk#2677 Add recommended production php.ini to Docker images.
Improvement helpdesk#2675 Increase Docker PHP max file file upload to 25M.
Improvement helpdesk#2672 Mark emails from mailer-daemon as auto-responses.
Improvement helpdesk#2671 Mark emails with an empty Return-Path header as auto-responses.
Improvement helpdesk#2664 Enable gzip compression in default web server configs.
Improvement helpdesk#2661 Save draft messages before navigating away from ticket view.
Improvement helpdesk#2660 Ability to order ticket grid by ticket number.
Improvement helpdesk#2657 Prevent elements using FontAwesome from jumping during page rendering.
Improvement helpdesk#2652 Integrate operator panel table search field into the existing Filter button.
Improvement helpdesk#2651 Move operator panel table pagination to the quick actions bar.
Improvement helpdesk#2648 Move table length menu to operator personal settings.
Improvement helpdesk#2641 Ability to list and revoke active operator sessions. See Active Sessions.
Performance helpdesk#2654 Prevent HTMLPurifier from running unnecessarily on some tickets.
Bug helpdesk#2702 Internal ticket macro condition does not work on a new ticket.
Bug helpdesk#2694 Article type slugs are not correctly validated.
Bug helpdesk#2680 Hide 2FA setup when logged in via SAML or SimpleAuth.
Bug helpdesk#2679 Some view composers do not work on custom templates.
Bug helpdesk#2676 Permission denied when starting supportpal_cron docker container.
Bug helpdesk#2674 JS error when uploading a large file returns an unexpected response.
Bug helpdesk#2670 Draft messages are not loaded into editor source view.
Bug helpdesk#2669 Prevent self-service type slugs being set to route keywords.
Bug helpdesk#2668 'Send email to operators' reply option is unavailable on the notes form when the operator ticket reply department email template disabled.
Bug helpdesk#2666 View hooks registered multiple times on settings page.
Bug helpdesk#2663 Database backup fails when some UTF16-LE characters are present.
Bug helpdesk#2653 Unable to process IMAP message IDs containing commas.
Bug helpdesk#2649 JS error when operator ticket signature contains <table>.
Bug helpdesk#2646 Operator phone number template incorrectly loaded on the frontend user profile form.
Bug helpdesk#2643 Unable to provide feedback on locked tickets.
Bug helpdesk#2639 Unable to enable/disable 2FA when using LDAP.
Bug helpdesk#2608 Duplicate notifications shown when switching between tabs.