
Release Details

Release Date 12th May 2016
Release Type Stable - Major

Important Notes


Type Issue Description
Improvement DEV-417 Improved handling of when IMAP extension is not installed.
Improvement DEV-512 Improved loading ticket view messages efficiency.
Improvement DEV-514 Staggered installation database commands so there is less chance of a timeout.
Improvement DEV-515 Adding license key to diagnostic statistics.
Improvement DEV-518 Hidden inactive operator accounts from the ticket assignment dropdown/search.
Improvement DEV-522 Allow license key to be updated during installation update.
Improvement DEV-524 Allow fullscreen option in iframes in self-service content and emails.
Improvement DEV-550 Changed terminology from public to published for self-service articles.
Bug DEV-507 Issues with the sandbox mode of Twig that is used in the email templates.
Bug DEV-511 Name field incorrect on ticket message row where ticket was opened by operator on behalf of user.
Bug DEV-512 Unable to save existing schedule when some days are missing from database.
Bug DEV-523 HipChat/Slack API timeouts when trying to send notifications can break application.
Bug DEV-527 Installer doesn't load when there is invalid session data on the server.
Bug DEV-528 Default log level is too high.
Bug DEV-529 Uncaught exception on duplicate user group names.
Bug DEV-530 Not possible to have the same name for a user and operator group.
Bug DEV-532 Most Active report breaks when a user has a quote in their name.
Bug DEV-555 Self-service article links broken in some places.