
The comments system allows your users to comment on all self-service articles and reply to other users. All comments, regardless of where they have been made, can be managed in a single interface within the operator panel, located at Self-Service -> Comments.


Searching for Comments

When managing a number of comments, it's possible to search and filter the results shown in the table.

Table Sorting

By default the table is sorted by the most recently posted. Once the table has loaded you're able to change the sort column by clicking the up/down arrows:

Filtering the Table

It's possible to filter comments based on the author's name and the title of the article it was posted on:

  1. Visit Self-Service -> Comments and click "Filter Results".
  2. Search terms:
    1. By - It is possible to search for part of the author's name. For example, you could find "John Smith" by searching for "Joh" or "mith".
    2. Article - It is possible to search for part of the article's title. For example, you could find "V2 Release Announcement" by searching for "rel" or "noun".
    3. Type - The type that the comment has been posted under.
    4. Brand - The brand that the comment has been posted under.
  3. The table will be filtered automatically as you enter search terms.

Moderating a Comment

Depending on your settings, you may need to moderate comments as they are posted, or you may wish to change the status of a comment.

  1. Visit Self-Service -> Comments.
  2. Find the comment you would like to moderate.
  3. Change the dropdown value under the "Status" column, the new status will be automatically saved as the value is changed. The following moderation options are available:
    1. Awaiting Moderation - The comment will not be visible on the article and should be used to indicate the comment needs further review.
    2. Published - The comment will be visible on the article.
    3. Spam - The comment will not be visible on the article and is considered to be spam.

Updating a Comment

  1. Visit Self-Service -> Comment.
  2. Find the comment you would like to edit, and click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the table row.
  3. Complete the form fields:
    1. Text - The name identifies the categories and will be shown to both operators and your users.
    2. Status - The moderation status of the comment (see Moderating a comment above for more details).
  4. Click "Submit" to save.

Deleting a Comment

Deleting a comment will also delete any comment replies to it.

To delete a comment, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit Self-Service -> Comments.
  2. Find the comment you would like to delete in the table (see Searching for Comments).
  3. Click the delete (cross) icon located on the right of the table.
  4. Click on the left button, "Yes, Delete Comment", that pops up confirming you would like to delete this comment and it will now be deleted.