Issue |
Description |
Feature |
DEV-452 |
Set default reply options for tickets personally. |
Feature |
DEV-593 |
Option to disable notifications for organisation managers. |
Feature |
DEV-721 |
Option to update ticket custom field values as an action. |
Feature |
DEV-726 |
API - Added option to download self-service article attachment. |
Feature |
DEV-879 |
Added option to disable organisations. |
Improvement |
DEV-331 |
Can now add attachments to mass emails. |
Improvement |
DEV-517 |
Dynamically load large ticket messages in ticket view. |
Improvement |
DEV-616 |
Improved searching for canned responses. |
Improvement |
DEV-634 |
Now storing more information on why an email was rejected, and viewable in the log via a tooltip. |
Improvement |
DEV-661 |
Using the system URL more consistently in emails. |
Improvement |
DEV-668 |
Added the option to email all users in mass email. |
Improvement |
DEV-670 |
API - Added option to store user IP on adding ticket or ticket message. |
Improvement |
DEV-689 |
Added option to disallow replies by email for certain departments. |
Improvement |
DEV-694 |
Added a description field option for custom fields. |
Improvement |
DEV-701 |
Make use of asset versioning to reduce effect of cache when upgrading. |
Improvement |
DEV-704 |
The cron job will check if an upgrade is pending before running. |
Improvement |
DEV-705 |
Added button to show CC option on ticket view frontend. |
Improvement |
DEV-722 |
Automatically deletes actions and conditions where the related value has been deleted. |
Improvement |
DEV-723 |
Added option to change the ticket grid order direction. |
Improvement |
DEV-730 |
Improved performance of mass emails when sending to a large number of users. |
Improvement |
DEV-731 |
Redirect to login when attempting to view a protected self-service article unauthenticated. |
Improvement |
DEV-760 |
Validated login redirects to trusted hosts only. |
Improvement |
DEV-765 |
Enable SSL option now forces SSL throughout the system. |
Improvement |
DEV-779 |
Links in ticket messages now open in new windows by default. |
Improvement |
DEV-798 |
The session expired page is now more friendly. |
Improvement |
DEV-806 |
Added option to expand and collapse all messages at once. |
Improvement |
DEV-807 |
Added option to unassign operators and remove tags from the ticket grid. |
Improvement |
DEV-809 |
Can now save operator-only notes on a user's profile. |
Improvement |
DEV-817 |
Can now add tags to canned responses. |
Improvement |
DEV-825 |
Added a web channel setting to not append IP address to user replies. |
Improvement |
DEV-826 |
Consume all option will try to route to other departments first if no matching email is found. |
Improvement |
DEV-862 |
Added option to add tags when opening new ticket via operator panel. |
Improvement |
DEV-864 |
The specific follow up time will now display when loading a ticket that has a follow up set. |
Improvement |
DEV-874 |
Searching for users is now limited to maximum 20 results at once for performance. |
Improvement |
DEV-880 |
Added option to add canned response to open new ticket page. |
Improvement |
DEV-903 |
Reduced the memory used by the last ticket replier condition. |
Improvement |
DEV-910 |
Automatically fills in the system URL in the installer. |
Improvement |
DEV-911 |
Separated user and operator permissions. |
Improvement |
DEV-920 |
Added 'none' option for ticket tag condition. |
Bug |
DEV-678 |
Handle inactive tickets task can time out when handling too many tickets at once. |
Bug |
DEV-690 |
Select all checkbox on ticket grid stays ticked after an action. |
Bug |
DEV-693 |
Reply line not included on custom department email templates. |
Bug |
DEV-695 |
Email operator option not available on tickets where a department email isn't set. |
Bug |
DEV-699 |
Canned responses preview incorrectly includes the global email header and footer. |
Bug |
DEV-703 |
SupportPal announcements widget shows times in UTC rather than your chosen timezone. |
Bug |
DEV-709 |
Handle if the incorrect permissions are set for Facebook accounts. |
Bug |
DEV-710 |
An ellipsis is added to textarea when quoting a message which itself has a quoted section. |
Bug |
DEV-711 |
Handle exception raised when using the wrong number of segments with SimpleAuth. |
Bug |
DEV-718 |
Updated libraries affected by Httpoxy vulnerability. |
Bug |
DEV-733 |
Unable to uninstall plugins via operator panel. |
Bug |
DEV-746 |
Private messages unread count can sometimes include messages that you aren't involved in. |
Bug |
DEV-754 |
A number of hardcoded English strings in the reports section. |
Bug |
DEV-759 |
Some HTML entities in the first 100 characters of a message prevents visibility of it in the ticket view. |
Bug |
DEV-761 |
Login redirect URL is reset if you fail to login. |
Bug |
DEV-774 |
Unable to change the Inbox filter in certain circumstances. |
Bug |
DEV-781 |
Incorrect activity log user set when a feedback form is sent. |
Bug |
DEV-789 |
HTMLPurifier exception on images that are smaller than 12 bytes. |
Bug |
DEV-812 |
HipChat/Slack notifications show old status on replies. |
Bug |
DEV-829 |
Ticket grid filter conditions don't update when URL filter is used. |
Bug |
DEV-832 |
HTML in comments are converted to entities when replying as operator. |
Bug |
DEV-844 |
Avatars are imported as attachments when replying via Thunderbird. |
Bug |
DEV-845 |
Incorrect permission checking for php-ldap. |
Bug |
DEV-846 |
Unable to bind to LDAP server by default, requires changing protocol version. |
Bug |
DEV-851 |
Special characters in plain text emails are interpreted as HTML. |
Bug |
DEV-873 |
Send email to operator group action doesn't work with ticket merge fields. |
Bug | 404.html
DEV-881 |
Ticket grid sidebar shows blank space in department section when not assigned to any departments. |
Bug |
DEV-884 |
Unable to delete users from organisation in operator panel. |
Bug |
DEV-898 |
HTML entity issue in several places in the operator panel. |
Bug |
DEV-921 |
'Is not' conditions still picking up tickets when it has multiple values. |