
You can create filters to quickly find tickets that match predefined search criteria. They can be private to you, or shared with specific operator groups.


Searching for Ticket Filters

Table sorting

By default, the table is sorted alphabetically by the name. Once the table has loaded you're able to change the sort column by clicking the up/down arrows:

Filtering the table

It's possible to search for ticket filters based on their name:

  1. Visit Settings -> Tickets -> Filters and click "Filter Results".
  2. Search terms:
    1. Name - It is possible to search for partial names. For example, you could find "Assigned to me" by searching for "me" or "assign".
  3. The table will be filtered automatically as you enter search terms.

Creating or Updating a Ticket Filter

To create a new ticket filter, or update an existing one, please follow the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Tickets -> Filters.
  2. To create a new record, either:
    • Click the "Add" button.
    • Locate the record you want to clone and click the clone icon on the right side of the table row.
    To update an existing record:
    Find the response and click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the table row.
  3. Complete the input fields:
    1. Name - A unique name used to identify the ticket filter.
    2. Public - Whether the ticket filter should be private to you, or visible to other operators.
      1. Operator Groups - You can limit the visibility of the ticket filter to specific operator groups. Leaving this field blank will mean that the filter is visible to all operators, regardless of their group.
    3. Filter Conditions - Used to limit the scope of the search criteria.
      1. Condition Groups - Condition groups are sets of search criteria. They can be combined using the adjacent drop-down menu using "All groups can be true" or "Any group can be true". A simple example of this roughly translated to English might be: "The ticket must be Open and have Critical priority" (group 1) OR "The ticket must be In Progress and have Critical priority" (group 2). This would match tickets that are either Open or In Progress and have Critical priority.
      2. Conditions - Conditions belong to condition groups and define the search criteria. You can select the condition item (for example "Ticket Status"), followed by the condition operator (for example "Equals"), followed by the condition value (for example "Open").
      For example, you may wish to create a ticket filter which finds all tickets that were opened in the last 24 hours and still haven't been resolved:
      1. Click "Add Condition Group".
      2. Select "Hours since Created" from the first drop-down menu, followed by "Less than" and input "24" in the final input box.
      3. Click "Add Condition".
      4. Select "Ticket Status", followed by "Is", followed by "Open".
      5. Select "All conditions in group must be true", roughly translated to English: "The ticket must have been created less than 24 hours ago and have its status set to Open".
  4. Click the "Submit" button.

Deleting a Ticket Filter

To delete a ticket filter, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit Settings -> Tickets -> Filters
  2. Search for the ticket filter you wish to delete (see Searching for Ticket Filters).
  3. Click the delete (cross) icon located on the right of the table.
  4. Click on the left button, "Yes, Delete Filter", that pops up confirming you would like to delete this ticket filter and it will then be deleted.