
An article or post is a single piece of information that is useful to your users. All articles belong to one or more categories and a single self-service type.


Searching for an Article

When managing a number of articles, it's possible to search and filter the results shown in the table.

Table Sorting

By default the table is sorted alphabetically by the article's title. Once the table has loaded you're able to change the sort column by clicking the up/down arrows:

Filtering the Table

If you need to search for a specific article, or those created by given operator you should use the "Filter Results" button above the table. From here, it is possible to filter the table based on a number of fields:

  1. Title - It is possible to search for partial article titles. For example, you could find "December Updates" by searching "December" or "Updates".
  2. Author / Category / Brand / Tag / Published / Registered Users Only / Pinned - Select an option from the dropdown menu. The drop-down menu is populated based on the table contents, thus if all of your articles are published you will not be able to search for those which are not published.

The table will be automatically filtered as you input data.

Creating or Updating an Article

  1. Visit Self-Service -> [Type] -> Articles. If you're creating a new article click "Add Article", or if you're updating an existing article, find the article and click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the table row.
  2. Complete the input fields:


    1. Title - The name of the article, shown to the user.
    2. Slug - The slug is the URL-friendly version of the title, it will initially be the title converted to lowercase and hyphens only. Click the pencil to edit the slug, it must be unique within the type.
    3. Keywords - A comma separated list of terms used to identify the contents of the article. These terms are used for SEO purposes.
    4. Excerpt - A small description of the article. This is shown below the title when viewing a list of articles in the frontend interface.
    5. Article - The article contents. The rich text editor allows you to insert images, videos tables and much more.
    6. Attachments - Articles can optionally have one or more attachments associated with them. The attachments will be available for download on the frontend interface. If you wish to delete an attachment, click the delete (cross) icon to the right of the attachment filename.
    7. Categories & Tags

    8. Categories - Articles must belong to one or more categories. Categories are useful to group similar articles.
    9. Tags - It's possible to associate multiple new, or existing, tags with an article. This can be useful to further group articles beyond the categories they belong to.
    10. Visibility

    11. Published - Toggle the switch to control the visibility of the article. When the switch is green the article will be visible to users, meanwhile when the switch is grey the article can only be accessed via direct URL.
    12. Published Date - Set a custom published date, useful if published some time after creating a draft initially.
    13. Registered Users only - Toggle the switch to gain further control over the visibility of the article. When the switch is green the article will only be visible to authenticated users, meanwhile when the switch is grey the article is accessible by all users (including guests).
    14. Pinned - Pin the article to the top of the list, useful if it's an important article. Only applies to list view types.
  3. Click the "Submit" button.

You can also clone an existing article as the basis of a new article:

  1. Visit Self-Service -> [Type] -> Articles. Find the article you wish to clone and click the clone (double) icon on the right side of the table row.
  2. Complete the remaining steps as above.

Deleting an Article

Deleting an article is an irreversible action. When deleting an article all associated content will also be permanently removed, this includes: article comments.

If you prefer not to permanently remove the content associated with an article, we recommend simply toggling the article's visibility.

To delete an article, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit Self-Service -> [Type] -> Articles.
  2. Search for the article you wish to delete (see Searching for an Article).
  3. Click the delete (cross) icon located on the right of the table.
  4. Click on the left button, "Yes, Delete Article", that pops up confirming you would like to delete this article (and its related data) and it will now be deleted.