Ticket General Settings



Setting Name Description
Ticket Number Format The default ticket number format for all tickets, but can be overridden for a single department in the department settings. Can contain alphanumeric characters and special characters -_.+!*,. The following variables are available:
  • %S - A sequential number, tied to the actual ticket ID (starts from 1). If you prefer that the sequential ID start from a higher value, please manually execute the following SQL replacing '3000' with your starting ID:
                                alter table ticket auto_increment 3000;
  • %N - A random number, use brackets {?} with a number after to define a sequence of that many random numbers.
  • %L - A random letter, use brackets {?} with a number after to define a sequence of that many random letters.
  • The following PHP date characters (Y, y, m, d, j, g, G, h, H, i, s) prefixed with a %, for example %Y for a 4 digit representation of the current year.

The default value is %N{7}, giving ticket numbers such as 4783783. Other possible examples are listed below:

  • %L{3}-%N{4} - ABC-1234
  • %Y-%S - 2016-1
  • SALES-%N{5} - SALES-12345
  • ACME-%y-%S - ACME-16-1

It is important that the ticket number format generates a unique value for each ticket, and must have some element of randomness or uniqueness in it.

Ticket Reply Order Define the order of ticket messages in the ticket view, the following options are available:
  • Ascending - Latest message is last.
  • Descending - Latest message is first.
Ticket Notes Position Define where notes are shown in the ticket view, the following options are available:
  • At top and in messages - Notes are shown at the top and in between the messages (default).
  • At top only - Only show notes at the top of the ticket.
  • In messages only - Only show notes in between the messages.
Allowed Attachment File Types Enter the attachment file types that allowed to be uploaded by users in tickets, separating each file type with a | (no spaces). The default value is 'doc|docx|xml|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|zip|rar|pdf|txt|log'. If you wish to allow any file types, please set the value to '?.*'.


Setting Name Description
Default Open Status Select the status that all new tickets are set to by default, unless otherwise manually set. Defaults to Open.
Default Reply Status Select the status that is used when a user replies to a ticket, only after an operator has replied at least once to the ticket. Defaults to Open.
Default Resolved Status Select the status that is used for tickets that are considered as resolved, defaults to Closed. This status is used when a ticket is considered inactive (some time since last reply by operator) and has a status for which tickets automatically close.

Inactive Tickets

Setting Name Description
Waiting Response Time Sometimes a user will miss a reply or forget to respond, you can send a reminder that the ticket is waiting for a response back. This setting will send the reminder at least the time specified after the last operator reply. It can be disabled by setting all the fields to 0.
Close Inactive Tickets Set a time after which inactive tickets (last response by operator and has a status where tickets automatically close) are marked as resolved. It can be disabled by setting all the fields to 0.