You're browsing the documentation for an old version of SupportPal. Consider upgrading to the latest version.
Release Details
Release Date | 4th October 2018 |
Release Type | Stable - Major |
Important Notes
Please read Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.3 for important changes in this release.
Notable Changes
- Single download - With use of ionCube's new batching option, we are now able to deliver a single version of the script which works on several PHP versions.
- New minimum server requirements - Following an upgrade to the underlying framework in SupportPal, the minimum requirements have been increased. Please refer to the upgrade guide for more information.
Macro improvements
- New hook points - A new class of macros named 'hook macros' have been added that automatically run on ticket events, such as when a status of a ticket changes or a new reply is added. Previously it could only be automatically ran when a ticket is opened.
- Run more than once - An automatic macro can now run more than once, at most once an hour. Existing macros will be set to be limited to one run only, but this can be modified and set to a higher number or unlimited.
- Run automatically only within a schedule - Automatic and hook macros can be set to only run within certain schedules, for example if you only need it to apply during business hours.
- Webhook action - A new action has been added that allows sending data to an external service, with a GET, PUT or POST request. Also applies to follow ups and SLA escalation rules.
- Injecting HTML via plugins - Plugins can now inject their own custom HTML through view hooks or completely replace views. See Plugin Development: Extending Templates for more information
- Watch tickets - A new option to watch tickets is available that means you'll receive operator notifications (when set to be sent) for those tickets regardless if your personal ticket email notifications are disabled or if only other operators are assigned to the ticket.
- Multiple sessions for operators - Previously operators could only be logged in with one device at a time, however we have now changed this so multiple sessions work concurrently by default. To retain the old functionality, please review the Session Configuration and update as necessary.
Resource Changes
- Language file changes (from 2.3.1)
- Frontend template changes (from 2.3.1)
- Operator template changes (from 2.3.1)
Important Template Changes
The frontend new ticket form step 1 and step 2 templates (ticket/forms/newticket_step1.twig and ticket/forms/newticket_step2.twig) have been switched around and updated, please ensure to update your custom templates accordingly.
The error views have moved location to be within the frontend and operator templates. You will need to add these views if you have a custom frontend and/or operator template.
Type | Issue | Description |
Feature | DEV-782 | Added a webhook action to follow ups, macros and SLA plans. |
Feature | DEV-1663 | Added additional macro hook points. |
Feature | DEV-1672 | Added option to inject HTML code directly in to the template with a plugin. |
Feature | DEV-1795 | Added option to only allow automatic execution of macros during certain schedules. |
Feature | DEV-1805 | Added a forward ticket action to follow ups, macros and SLA plans. |
Feature | DEV-1846 | Added option to watch (subscribe to) a ticket to receive notifications. |
Feature | DEV-1933 | Added option to allow automatic macros to run more than once. |
Improvement | DEV-1492 | Added a merge field option for canned responses. |
Improvement | DEV-1593 | Upgraded underlying framework to Laravel 5.5. |
Improvement | DEV-1740 | Added option to run a macro on multiple tickets at once on the ticket grid. |
Improvement | DEV-1822 | Improved submit ticket flow on the frontend. |
Improvement | DEV-1849 | Operators can now be logged in on multiple devices at the same time by default. |
Improvement | DEV-1860 | Now possible to define a SAML provider (guard) per brand. |
Improvement | DEV-1888 | Improved performance by storing purified text in the database directly where possible. |
Improvement | DEV-1898 | Using URLs for user and operator avatars instead of data URI images. |
Improvement | DEV-1901 | Operators can now CC users to the ticket when replying by email. |
Improvement | DEV-1903 | Added search for internal self-service types. |
Improvement | DEV-1906 | Added software EULA to upgrader. |
Improvement | DEV-1907 | No longer sending 'Opened New Ticket' email to ticket CC users. |
Improvement | DEV-1912 | Department email usernames can now be up to 255 characters. |
Improvement | DEV-1915 | Enabled session file locking to reduce risk of session conflicts. |
Improvement | DEV-1918 | Now shows a warning when enabling SSL to verify it works. |
Improvement | DEV-1921 | Now possible to use 2FA with LDAP accounts. |
Improvement | DEV-1923 | Raw emails are now stored on the file system for a default length of 30 days. |
Improvement | DEV-1924 | Only operators assigned to your brands/departments are now listed in the assign operator dropdown. |
Improvement | DEV-1929 | Added option to disable macros. |
Improvement | DEV-1936 | Failed operator login emails now only sent to operators with permission to manage operators. |
Improvement | DEV-1938 | No longer throttling when retrying a blocked email in the operator panel. |
Improvement | DEV-1942 | WHMCS Information plugin - now showing main user details for sub account users. |
Improvement | DEV-1947 | Now showing a success message when creating a ticket in a department you can't see. |
Improvement | DEV-1957 | Updating a ticket's priority will calculate the due time if it has an SLA plan set. |
Bug | DEV-490 | Emails with large attachments less likely to exceed the memory limit. |
Bug | DEV-1897 | Fixed email commands not working in some situations. |
Bug | DEV-1905 | Fixed HipChat/Slack notifications showing previous message when new message has an attachment. |
Bug | DEV-1908 | Fixed wrong department email selected some times when clicking forward tab. |
Bug | DEV-1913 | Removed hardcoded ID in fresh install seed. |
Bug | DEV-1914 | Fixed RSS feed using created_at time instead of published_at time. |
Bug | DEV-1917 | Fixed custom operator icon not displaying on retina display. |
Bug | DEV-1920 | Fixed filtering canned responses by tags not working correctly on responses with more than one tag. |
Bug | DEV-1926 | Fixed email template previews not working when self-service module is disabled. |
Bug | DEV-1927 | Fixed editing email template automatically removes avatars. |
Bug | DEV-1930 | Fixed parenthesis in the email from name being stripped out by Swift Mailer. |
Bug | DEV-1940 | Fixed being unable to delete attachment from new draft message. |
Bug | DEV-1944 | Time tracking plugin - Fixed total time logged report showing wrong totals in some situations. |
Bug | DEV-1945 | Fixed reports dashboard not adapting to the operator's timezone. |
Bug | DEV-1950 | Fixed Twitter direct messages support after old API route was deprecated. |
Bug | DEV-1953 | Fixed internal tickets with an SLA plan not having a due time initially. |
Bug | DEV-1956 | Fixed 'Hours until due' condition returning wrong results. |
Bug | DEV-1958 | Fixed error shown in some places when using a ticket tag that has a translation with same name. |
Bug | DEV-1959 | Fixed SLA plan escalation rules not getting cleared when using the 'Close & Lock' button. |