Help Widget

A JavaScript widget that developers can embed into their website to enable customers to easily search a knowledgebase or contact the help desk without leaving the page they're viewing.


Activate or Deactivate Channel

The Help Widget channel is disabled by default and needs to be activated before use. To do this, go to Settings -> Tickets -> Channels and click the "Activate" link on the Help Widget channel row. The channel can be deactivated in the same way, instead this time by clicking the "Deactivate" link on the same row.


To configure the channel, go to Settings -> Tickets -> Channels and click the "Settings" link on the Help Widget channel row. The channel must already be activated beforehand.

It's possible to create and manage multiple configurations, in case you have multiple websites and need to show a different knowledgebase or use a different colour scheme on each. Start by clicking 'Add Widget'.

Configure (Functionality)

Customise (Look & Feel)

All the customisation options are optional.


If you make use of the multilingual functionality, you can define translations for the strings used in the widget. The language is automatically detected based on the user's browser.

Browser Support

The web widget is supported by the following browsers:

Device Type Browsers
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Edge: latest version
  • Google Chrome: 2 latest versions
  • Firefox: 2 latest versions
  • Safari: latest version
  • iOS Safari: 2 latest versions
  • Google Chrome for Android: latest version
Other browsers and versions may be supported but are untested.

Using the Widget

Once you have set up a valid configuration, the live preview will show you your widget and give you a chance to preview how it'll work. The preview resets every time you change any configuration, customisation or translation option.

Widget Preview

Below it is the code that will need to placed on your website to show the widget. It should be placed towards the end of your HTML code, just above </body>. Be sure to only copy the code once you've made all desired changes to your configuration as the code updates on changing most values.

Widget Code

The widget configuration should be saved before using the code, as some of the options rely on it.

Manually Editing Configuration

The Javascript code provided by our widget management tool can be modified if needed, for example to automatically set a name and email on the contact form. Below is our full default configuration file.

    | Widget Position
    | The type of widget when opened. Valid values are: popup or sidebar.
    type: 'popup',

    | Widget Position
    | Where to display the widget on the page. Valid values are: left or right.
    position: 'right',

    | Colour Scheme
    | A valid CSS color value (hex, rgb, hsl, keyword) used to style the
    | non white portions of the widget.
    colour: '#06548C',

    | Button Icon
    | The icon to use in the button. Valid values are: none, lifebuoy, envelop
    | or bubble2.
    buttonIcon: 'envelop',

    | SupportPal base URL.
    | Base URL of SupportPal installation.
    baseURL: null,

    | Submit Ticket
    | The department that tickets should be created in. If departmentId is null
    | a dropdown menu will allow the user to select a department. The defaults
    | can be set to automatically fill in data on the contact form.
    submitTicket: {
        enabled: true,
        departmentId: null,
        subject: true,
        defaults: {
            name: '',
            email: '',
            subject: '',
            message: ''

    | Knowledgebase
    | The knowledge base to search for articles.
    knowledgebase: {
        enabled: false,
        typeId: null

    | Messages
    | The strings used throughout the widget. Can be used to add other locales,
    | additional locales must conform to BCP 47 using ISO_639-1 locale code and
    | an optional ISO_3166-1 ALPHA-2 regional identifier. For example, valid
    | identifiers are: 'en', 'fr', 'en-GB', 'en-US'.
    messages: {
        "en": {
            "dock_text": "Help",
            "search_knowledgebase": "Search the knowledgebase",
            "no_results": "There are no results for \":term\".",
            "search_something_else": "Try searching for something else.",
            "top_results": "Top results for this page:",
            "contact_us": "Contact Us",
            "department": "Department",
            "name": "Name",
            "email": "Email",
            "subject": "Subject",
            "message": "Message",
            "send": "Send",
            "contact_success": "Thank you, your message has been received and we will reply soon.",
            "something_went_wrong": "We're sorry, something went wrong. The service may be temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.",
            "required": "The :attribute field is required.",
            "invalid": "The :attribute field is invalid.",


Setting a name and email address in the contact form automatically. We need to add the defaults object to the submitTicket configuration.

        window.supportpalAsyncInit = function () {
                "submitTicket": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "departmentId": null,
                    "subject": true,
                    "defaults": {
                        "name": "John Doe",
                        "email": "[email protected]"

Javascript API

A simple Javascript API has been made available to provide functions to modify the button and widget.

Function Description
setOffsetHorizontal Set the horizontal offset of the button and widget (popup only) from the left or right (based on settings) the browser screen.
setOffsetVertical Set the vertical offset of the button and widget (popup only) from the bottom the browser screen.


Set the horizontal offset of the button and widget (popup only) from the left or right (based on settings) the browser screen.


distance Distance from the left or right (based on settings) of the browser screen in pixels (integer).


        window.supportpalAsyncInit = function () {
            SupportPal.on('ready', function (el) {


Set the vertical offset of the button and widget (popup only) from the bottom the browser screen.


distance Distance from the bottom of the browser screen in pixels (integer).


        window.supportpalAsyncInit = function () {
            SupportPal.on('ready', function (el) {