
Release Details

Release Date 6th June 2016
Release Type Stable - Minor

Important Notes

Resource Changes


Type Issue Description
Feature DEV-288 Option to change storage folder location.
Feature DEV-485 View original raw email in email log.
Feature DEV-549 Widget to show current and latest version, and notification when a new version is released.
Feature DEV-617 Ability to set trusted proxies.
Improvement DEV-531 Switched to Laravel FileSystem API.
Improvement DEV-565 Added delete user button in user profile view.
Improvement DEV-566 Logs emails that are not imported as tickets.
Improvement DEV-569 Now shows user group icons on ticket grid.
Improvement DEV-573 Automatically adds fulltext indexes in the database when MySQL is updated and support becomes available for it.
Improvement DEV-582 The time formats shown in general settings now use the current timezone.
Improvement DEV-583 Improved printer friendly view for operator ticket view.
Improvement DEV-602 Added labels around custom field values in the template.
Improvement DEV-606 Better handling of when user ID does not exist in ticket message API.
Improvement DEV-611 Added a template for unauthorised actions by the operator.
Improvement DEV-613 Redirects to grid when opening a ticket in a department operator is not assigned to.
Improvement DEV-614 Updated description to mention how all attachment file types can be accepted.
Bug DEV-560 Issue clicking to add email merge fields to editor in some views.
Bug DEV-563 Unicode slugs results in 404 page.
Bug DEV-564 Exception when trying to set email address in operator personal settings to one used by a user.
Bug DEV-567 Undefined property in ticket message API.
Bug DEV-568 Uncaught exception on operator password reset when missing email or token.
Bug DEV-571 Grammatical error with update message on license information page.
Bug DEV-578 Incorrect handling of API event for IP ban and whitelist.
Bug DEV-580 General settings cannot save null as a value.
Bug DEV-581 Emails with content-type format flowed are not imported.
Bug DEV-585 Frontend login redirect can sometimes show errors that are unnecessary.
Bug DEV-586 Problem displaying the error page if the DB is unavailable.
Bug DEV-594 No longer emails inactive operators even if they are assigned to the department.
Bug DEV-595 The email notification checkboxes are not ticked correctly after updating on the edit operator view.
Bug DEV-596 Filters can give exception when using a invalid 'operator' value.
Bug DEV-598 Exception thrown when user is not found in SimpleAuth.
Bug DEV-599 Tickets attachment API doesn't decode base64 input strings.
Bug DEV-600 Exception when trying to delete an email from email queue that has already been sent.
Bug DEV-601 Problem with converting characters from different charsets to UTF-8 in emails in some situations.
Bug DEV-603 Email template editor doesn't use the default redactor settings.
Bug DEV-604 Problem converting some unicode characters to lowercase.
Bug DEV-608 Widget/plugin cache can cause errors in some environments.
Bug DEV-609 Inline images are not imported in emails when missing the content-disposition header.
Bug DEV-615 Problems with email clipping regex in rare circumstances.
Bug DEV-618 IP bans being added from invalid API authentication when whitelisted.