Operator Roles
Operator roles let you create different permission groups for your operators. Each role can be assigned to multiple operator groups and apply to all operators under those groups.
Searching for Roles
Table sorting
By default the table is sorted based on name. Once the table has loaded you're able to change the sort column by clicking the up/down arrows:
- Down arrow: descending order
- Up arrow: ascending order
This action is only temporary and will disappear once the page has been reloaded.
Filtering the table
It's possible to filter roles based on their name and description:
- Visit Settings -> Users -> Operator Roles and click "Filter Results".
Search terms:
- Name - It is possible to search for partial names. For example, you could find "Administrator" by searching for "admin".
- Description - The role description.
- The table will be filtered automatically as you enter search terms.
Creating or Updating a Role
Every installation will come with an "Administrator" role by default that has all permissions, this role cannot be modified. You can add other roles to limit permissions for other operators as needed.
To create a new role, or update an existing role, please follow the following steps.
- Visit Settings -> Users -> Operator Roles. If you're creating a new role click "Add Role", or if you're updating an existing role, find the role and click the edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the table row.
Complete the input fields:
- Name - The name of the role.
- Description - A description of the role.
- Operator Groups - Type and search for operator groups that the role will be assigned to. The role does not need to be assigned to any groups initially, and can be assigned when creating or updating a group also.
- Permissions - The permissions available for operators belonging in groups that have this role. Tick the permission to grant access, untick to revoke access. Permissions for managing plugins and viewing widgets on the dashboard can be found at the bottom of the list.
- Click the "Submit" button.
Deleting a Role
Deleting a role will automatically dissociate it from a group and any operators within those groups will no longer have the permissions available in the role (though other roles associated with the group will apply). The default "Administrator" role cannot be deleted.
To delete a role, follow the below steps:
- Visit Settings -> Users -> Operator Roles.
- Search for the role you wish to delete (see Searching for Roles).
- Click the delete (cross) icon located on the right of the table.
- Click on the left button, "Yes, Delete Role", that pops up confirming you would like to delete this role and it will now be deleted.