Changing File Storage Path

By default, SupportPal uses file-based storage in the /storage directory. In some cases, the storage location can be changed to another directory or a specialist system such as Amazon S3 or Memcached.


The local file storage, /storage directory, is broken down into 3 sub-directories. If you would like to move the entire /storage directory outside of the web root this must be done in separate steps. The steps for updating each sub-directory have been outlined below:

Application Storage

By default attachments and other caches are stored locally to the /storage/app directory within your SupportPal installation directory. It is possible to change the location of this directory, and we also support storing some files on Amazon S3:


If you would like to change the default directory, please use the configuration below:


    return [

        'default' => 'local',

        'disks' => [

            'local' => [
                'driver' => 'local',
                'root'   => '/absolute/path/to/writable/directory', // Do not include trailing slash



Amazon S3

To use Amazon S3 you must permit allow_url_fopen in your PHP configuration.

If you would like to configure an Amazon S3 filesystem, please use configuration below:


    return [

        'default' => 's3',

        'disks' => [

            's3' => [
                'driver' => 's3',
                'key'    => 'your-key',
                'secret' => 'your-secret',
                'region' => 'your-region',
                'bucket' => 'your-bucket',



Framework Storage Directories

The /storage/framework directory is broken down into a number of smaller sub-directories.


For details on updating the cache file store, please see: Changing Cache Store.


By default, SupportPal uses file storage and all PHP sessions are stored in the /storage/framework/sessions directory.

Available Session Stores


If you would like to change change the default directory for where sessions are stored, please use the configuration below:


    return [

        'driver' => 'file',

        'files'  => '/absolute/path/to/writable/directory', // Do not including trailing slash


If you would like to store sessions in the database, you will need to firstly create the sessions database table. This can be achieved by running php artisan session:table from the command line. Once complete, please use the configuration below:


    return [

        'driver'     => 'database',

        'connection' => 'mysql',

        'table'      => 'sessions',


If you would like to store session data in memcached, please use the configuration below:


    return [

        'driver' => 'memcached',


Do not use the same redis database for both your cache and session driver! The configuration steps described in this documentation will ensure a separate database is configured for each driver.

If you would like to store session data in Redis, please follow the below steps:

  1. Make sure your PHP configuration doesn't have any disable_functions listed. You can check this via Utilities > PHP Information within the operator panel, but please also ensure your PHP CLI (cron) configuration also has the same setup.
  2. Add your Redis connection information to /config/production/database.php (don't edit your MySQL configuration). To ensure a separate Redis database is created for sessions, please ensure the database parameter in the 'session' array is unique:
                return [
                    'connections' => [
                        'mysql' => [
                    'redis' => [
                        'cluster' => false,
                        'default' => [
                        'session' => [
                            'host'     => '',
                            'port'     => 6379,
                            'database' => 1,
  3. Change /config/production/session.php
                <?php return [ 'driver' => 'redis', 'connection' => 'session', ];


The /storage/framework/views directory is used to store compiled copies of templates, this helps to speed up the load-time of your application. It's possible to change the location of this directory to outside the web root:


    return [

        | Compiled View Path
        | This option determines where all the compiled Blade templates will be
        | stored for your application. Typically, this is within the storage
        | directory. However, as usual, you are free to change this value.

        'compiled' => realpath('/absolute/path/to/writable/directory'), // Do not include a trailing slash.



By default, all SupportPal application logs are stored in the /storage/logs directory. It is possible to change the directory where logs are stored:


    return [

        'log_path' => '/absolute/path/to/logs', // Do not include a trailing slash.


We recommend purging this directory every now and again in order to ensure it doesn't grow too large.