Report Development: Dashboards

Previous Section: Getting Started

A report is formed of one or more dashboards. A dashboard is a set of cards which display together in the operator panel.


Main Report Controller

Your report must have a PHP class and file with the same name in the Controllers folder. The namespace must be set correctly and the class should extend the Report class like in our example controller below. The class should have a constructor where parent::__construct(); is called and must also have declared activate, deactivate and uninstall functions that must return true. The constructor is also where you register your dashboards, which will be described in more detail below.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Addons\Plugins\TicketBacklog\Controllers;

use Addons\Reports\TicketBacklog\Reports\ExampleDashboard;
use App\Modules\Report\Addon\Report;

class TicketBacklog extends Report
    public function __construct()


     * @return bool
    public function activate()
        return true;

     * @return bool
    public function deactivate()
        return true;

     * @return bool
    public function uninstall()
        return true;

Usually no extra logic is required while activating, deactivating or uninstalling a report. However, if you need to for example add a new datatable table, you can follow the controllers documentation from our plugin development guide as it is part of the same add-on system.


Your dashboards should be placed at the top level of the Reports folder and extend the \App\Modules\Report\Addon\Dashboards\Dashboard class, like below.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Addons\Reports\TicketBacklog\Reports;

use Addons\Reports\TicketBacklog\Reports\Cards\Overview\BacklogNumber;
use App\Modules\Report\Addon\Dashboards\CardCollection;
use App\Modules\Report\Addon\Dashboards\Dashboard;
use App\Modules\Report\Addon\Dashboards\Filtering\Filter;
use App\Modules\Report\Addon\Dashboards\Filtering\Timeframe;

class Overview extends Dashboard
    public Timeframe $timeframe = Timeframe::DISABLE;
    public Filter $filter = Filter::NONE;

    public function name(): string
        return 'Overview';

    public function description(): string
        return 'An overview of tickets in the backlog.';

    public function loadCards(CardCollection $collection): void
        $collection->add(new BacklogNumber);

The $timeframe property can be set to Timeframe::ENABLE if your report should have timeframe options, so you can limit it to run on say the last week or 30 days.

public Timeframe $timeframe = Timeframe::ENABLE;

The $filter property can be set to Filter::TICKET or Filter::USER if your report should have filtering options. These only apply if the cards data are on the Ticket or User models which will be covered later.

public Filter $filter = Filter::TICKET

The name and description methods should have a string output. You can use translations if the system will be used in multiple languages.

public function name(): string
    return trans('Reports#TicketBacklog::lang.overview');

Finally the report cards should be loaded in the loadCards method. The cards should be added in order that you wish to show them. The next section will cover writing cards.

public function loadCards(CardCollection $collection): void
    $collection->add(new BacklogNumber);
    $collection->add(new BacklogByStatusGraph);

Registering Dashboards

All dashboards must be registered in the main report controller constructor using the registerReportDashboards method. Multiple dashboards can be set in the array and they will display in this order in the reports sidebar.

public function __construct()

        \\ Other dashboards here

Next Section: Cards