
Release Details

Release Date 14th September 2021
Release Type Stable - Patch

Notable Changes

Simplified Updates

This is the first release where you will be able to update using our new System Update page (from 3.6.0 only). A single button click in the operator panel, or a simple one line command via CLI. Learn about the new methods at Upgrading SupportPal.

Resource Changes


Type Issue Description
Performance helpdesk#2717 Stop broadcasting further events if one fails.
Performance helpdesk#2716 Add configurable timeout to pusher broadcasting driver.
Bug helpdesk#2729 Update Docker PHP to 7.4.23.
Bug helpdesk#2727 Unable to use encryption on web socket server.
Bug helpdesk#2723 Avatars are saved with a black background.
Bug helpdesk#2721 PHP mail() fails when an email address contains \ufeff characters.
Bug helpdesk#2720 Don't use system update if running Docker.
Bug helpdesk#2719 JS error if web sockets fails to connect on operator panel login page.
Bug helpdesk#2714 Session locks written to system temp instead of storage directory.
Bug helpdesk#2713 Verbose Pusher log doesn't work on validation.
Bug helpdesk#2712 Unused FontAwesome icons incorrectly purged from css.
Bug helpdesk#2711 2FA tab doesn't show when using LDAP and the operator has no normal password set.
Bug helpdesk#2709 Upgrade fails if Spanish locale is deleted from the system.
Bug helpdesk#2708 Web sockets command doesn't set external port automatically for Linux servers.
Bug helpdesk#2706 Permission denied error from Docker supportpal_cron container.
Bug helpdesk#2705 Web sockets command unavailable in some cases after upgrading.