
Release Details

Release Date 23rd April 2020
Release Type Stable - Major

Important Notes

Please read Upgrading to 3.0 from 2.6 for important changes in this release.

Notable Changes

Resource Changes

This release includes a new frontend and operator panel template, therefore every file in the template has changed and we are unable to provide a file comparison since the last release.

We've switched to brand new resources repositories, where the components have been split out to their own repository:

The old resources repository has now been retired and should no longer be used.


Type Issue Description
Improvement DEV-2331 Added command to set up skeleton plugin.
Improvement DEV-2339 Added keyboard shortcuts for all editor formatting options.
Improvement DEV-2356 Added FontAwesome icons for self-service types on the dashboard.
Improvement DEV-2364 Improved accessibility of easily seeing what status and priority a ticket has on the ticket grid.
Improvement DEV-2373 Updated jQuery library to 3.5.0.
Bug DEV-2336 Fixed issue with adding block elements in editor.
Bug DEV-2340 Fixed JS error when attempting to link tickets in ticket view.
Bug DEV-2341 Fixed user and operator group members not loading.
Bug DEV-2345 Fixed editor modal CSS.
Bug DEV-2347 Fixed operator viewing corner arrow not being visible on a read ticket in dark mode.
Bug DEV-2348 Fixed editor modal options no longer working.
Bug DEV-2349 Fixed reports showing error when data hasn't been cast properly.
Bug DEV-2351 Fixed copy message link generating wrong URL.
Bug DEV-2353 Fixed split ticket checkbox not hidden on tickets with one message only.
Bug DEV-2354 Fixed header spacing in articles.
Bug DEV-2355 Fixed forwards being counted as notes on the ticket grid.
Bug DEV-2357 Fixed PHP error shown when specifying invalid social login provider.
Bug DEV-2360 Fixed Facebook integration when using Graph API 6.0.
Bug DEV-2361 Fixed self-service slugs being encoded when shown in the interface.
Bug DEV-2363 Fixed article share by email link sometimes putting body content in subject.
Bug DEV-2367 Fixed JS error when clicking on a browser notification.
Bug DEV-2368 Fixed new message notifications not showing when you're assigned to the ticket.
Bug DEV-2374 Fixed display issue with the system requirements.
Bug DEV-2377 Reduced amount of data stored in assign/unassign dropdown on ticket grid.
Bug DEV-2380 Fixed JS issue when trying to create and save a help widget configuration.